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2020 Teen Leadership Digital Festival and Scholarship Fundraiser

Published on Tuesday, October 6, 2020

2020 Teen Leadership Digital Festival and Scholarship Fundraiser

Free event for Teens aged 11-17

Event date: 10/17/2020 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Export event

On Saturday, October 17, from 11am-1pm (PST) we are hosting a free live zoom program "Creating Your Own Path", the 2020 Teen Leadership Digital FEstival and Scholarship Fundraiser.  This event empowers minority girls in the underserved Los Angeles community through interactive workshops, career opportunity exploration, topic student discussion on Black Lives Matter and more.  The even will feature KJLH-FM Radio host, Tammi Mac as MC.  Workshop presenters include Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney, Kimberly Toney on "So You Want to Be a Lawyer," broadcast journalist, author and social media entrepreneur, Imani Crenshaw covering "How to Be a Boss Babe," and women's advocate and community engagement expert Ebonee Rice presenting on Digital Media and FAke News: Information vs. Misinformation."

The event is free, but registration is required.  Please visit to register.

We'd like to thank our wonderful sponsors for this event: Sisters Involved in Linking Knowledge (SIIILK), Expo Center, The Langston Bar Association and the South Coast Air Quality Management District for making this event possible.

Don't forget to help us as we acknowledge our 2020 scholarship recipients at this event by clicking on the "donate" tab on the website.  Every dollar counts.  We thank you for your continued support!

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Author: News Editor


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